Thursday, April 15, 2010

"The Perfect Game" Countdown: 2 days left

'The Perfect Game' stages an amazing ninth-inning comeback:

"Five out of five stars," "A perfect sports movie...," "One of the best sports movies ever...," "A true grand slam..." - Kids Pick Flicks

 "Sentimental movie..." - Alfonso De Elias, Orale USA

The Perfect Game: "It’s amazing," "Will touch your heart..." - Tommy Calle, Hoy Newspaper

"Perfect entertainment!" - Gerri Miller - Scholastic/Quizfest

"The perfect sports movie. A touching tale of the human spirit..." - Parimal Rohit, Campus Circle/Buzzine Magazine

A truly inspirational family film which sheds a positive light on Latinos everywhere..." - Fernando Esquivél,

"'The Perfect Game' is a strong family movie that will strike a chord with baseball history buffs, or anyone who knows what it is like to be a kid in love with the game..." - Ben Apatoff,

The Perfect Game has the same irresistible appeal that made "The Blind Side" such a heart-stirring crowd pleaser. 

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